Matter of taste. Many different liveries during the years, i especially loved the "leisure" activity of this airline, like all charter/low cost/leisure airlines.I am sorry but that Thomas cook livery is so ugly in my opinion.
Welcome there my friend, thanks for the nice words.Hi Alessandro, nice to see you here. Here your lovely photos, esp. the 1:400 ones, finally get the attention they deserve. Have a nice time here.
Yes my friendis this an old Gemini release? Landing gears look so clumsy. The mould shape is mostly OK though
I was thinking if buy or not this bird…. But the shapes of the front are not the best… and I’m still not sure if I should buy or not
I was thinking if buy or not this bird…. But the shapes of the front are not the best… and I’m still not sure if I should buy or not
JCWings mould, not the best but a nice model. If you like and you need it you should buy the airplane.I was thinking if buy or not this bird…. But the shapes of the front are not the best… and I’m still not sure if I should buy or not