BigBird recent 707s


Well-known member
I couldn't find the thread about these two releases. I know they were posted before, but now some pics were posted by Waffle.
Here's the duo of 707s by BigBird, using the JC Wings mould.



Pics taken from Waffle Collectibles Facebook page :)

The Pan Am looks nice to me, but something is odd with the Aer Lingus. Seems like bad cockpit window position and color (I can barely see the windows against the dark blue cheatline) and maybe window line printed too high?!
Yeah both are actually. Messed up in different ways
Pan Am cockpit windows are wonky a and windowline tad low
Aer Lingus it's the opposite - windowline too high - and cockpit windows aren't outlined
Both are very disappointing
JC's messed these up
It's nice that it's a seamless mold... but the printing needs some help. Hopefully they'll get that fixed before they get around to doing American and TWA...
The Pan Am actually looks pretty good, but i agree something is amiss with the cockpit windows. Ordered it anyway. Hoping for a TWA twin stripes to follow....
The Pan Am actually looks pretty good, but i agree something is amiss with the cockpit windows. Ordered it anyway. Hoping for a TWA twin stripes to follow....
yeah I have both on pre-order as they sell out quickly. i guess thus my disappointment.
when one looks closely one can also diagnose the problem

It's frustrating that the base template (cockpit windows / cabin windows etc) itself alters between two models - it's like reinventing the wheel for every model. How can artworks be so different - here it is clear that they 'accommodated' and modified each detail specifically - perhaps as a late quick fix to account for a pad error?
It's frustrating that the base template (cockpit windows / cabin windows etc) itself alters between two models - it's like reinventing the wheel for every model. How can artworks be so different - here it is clear that they 'accommodated' and modified each detail specifically - perhaps as a late quick fix to account for a pad error?
I'd even say the opposite is true. This stongly looks like a "one template fits all" (Aeroclassics style) approach. The PA shares the window template with the Aer Lingus while it should be a B instead of C - check SCD windows.
The problem with the Aer Lingus starts ahead of the cabin detailing. Green/white/grey/blue (whichever is first) needs to be applied first. If you screw this step you have two choices: start over again or allign your windows/doors... to what you have. That is placing your fuselage on the pad printing jig accordingly. We can see the result.
.... looks like a "one template fits all" (Aeroclassics style) approach. The PA shares the window template with the Aer Lingus while it should be a B instead of C - check SCD windows.
Right - I'd missed that. This is really lazy.
The problem with the Aer Lingus starts ahead of the cabin detailing. Green/white/grey/blue (whichever is first) needs to be applied first. If you screw this step you have two choices: start over again or allign your windows/doors... to what you have. That is placing your fuselage on the pad printing jig accordingly. We can see the result.
Would this mean that all pieces may not have this error?
Assuming the fuselage piece was placed incorrectly during the colour application - unless, the base artwork itself is faulty and discovered only later during the printing of the cabin windows. That does see to be the case - as the dark green band visibly needs to be much broader so that it extends lower down the side of the fuselage - one can see how that band swerves up at the tail and the nose region.