Tariffs & Model Airliner Prices


Recently saw an Instagram story from West Coast Diecasts and it got me thinking: what do the new tariffs mean now, specifically for US collectors? I am aware that tariffs will likely jack up prices by at least 10%, but I am interested to see what this community thinks. It's also sad to see that models even purchased from Canadian retailers will be affected.

just about to raise this as well, and I actually currently have an order stuck at customs from them.

I usually source my models from the two Canadian stores, westcoastdiecast and mv400, due to their better prices: MSRP+10%off plus free shipping, this usually gets you NG/PH widebody for about $50 flat, compared to US retailers which is around $55 at least (and these small differences add up). I buy relatively a good amount, like around 20 models a month.

I don't know what's gonna happen with my order, but if I'm forced to pay any extra it will be my last order from them unfortunately. Sadly US retailers will raise as well which means NG/PH will be in the $60 range which is just unnecessary so unfortunately my plan from now on is forced to be sourcing models entirely from China and have myself/my friends bring them over.
Well, some of you Americans did vote for this.

Without getting any more political, these are probably really annoying, especially for US collectors who buy large numbers of models each month. That 5 dollars or so on every model really adds up. I feel for the Candian retailers, they're probably going to lose a decent amount of business from the States. Maybe you'll get lucky and the orange man will remove the Canadian tariffs but somehow I don't see the Chinese ones getting lifted anytime soon.