Phoenix models Boeing 777


Well-known member
Anyone knows if Phoenix plans to update their 777s?

Their 777 mould is very outdated, especially the engines which have missing fan blades, too thick nacelle, etc. (+missing variants, like the PW4000, Trent 800, GE90-94B for the -200ER, -200 and -300), the landing gears and the APU shape.
Anyone knows if Phoenix plans to update their 777s?

Their 777 mould is very outdated, especially the engines which have missing fan blades, too thick nacelle, etc. (+missing variants, like the PW4000, Trent 800, GE90-94B for the -200ER, -200 and -300), the landing gears and the APU shape.
Probably not given there are much better options on the market and they can keep selling their 777s at a lower price because it's a lower quality product.
TBH don't expect fine quality moulds from Phoenix.
Their IL-96 is quite impressive, but other moulds are mostly decent (excluding some craps, like their 747s) and fall behind competition most of the time...
PHXs strong point is its topicality and timeliness. One can expect a recent scheme to be announced and released pretty quickly.
And as we know by now, with @DTcustoms collaborating with PHX - it's been a great ride recently - especially with the 'classics' and long overlooked if fairly recent aircraft - such as the A340s.
Pricing has increased over the past years though - but that doesn't seem to be a deterrent. MHH is a great barometer for gauging this. PHX is popular amongst the bulk of the collectorate because it is cheaper than NG on competing models.
JC and Av400 don't seem to figure in the equation in any case, as their releases are usually delayed or not immediate. GJ is a comet that one needs to bother about only occasionally.