Phoenix A340 Landing Gear Issues


Well-known member
I'm noticing a pattern with the Phoenix A340s: The center main gear seems much too tall and prevents both outboard mains from touching the surface. The model tilts from side to side on its center gear. It is not too obvious, but it gets annoying when handling the model.

The problem seems more pronounced on A340-200s.



The model above also came with detached wings, you can see minor paint damage on the wing roots.

Anybody else?
Seen the same on a KLM A330 from 2020. Checked a few boxes and all had this weird tilt on one side of the landing gear that could not be fixed no matter what I tried. Ended up not buying the model for that reason.
usually I just bend them around to find the fit, be careful not to break them tho
If the legs are short I don't see how bending them will help. Stretching them would 😅. I just noticed the issue with my last two A342s and was surprised that it had not been brought up. It is annoying enough...
So, I do have a few examples of wobbly triple-bogeys - I don't remember now exactly which ones as all my models (barring a handful) are packed away - and IIRC a couple would have been the PHX IL-96s as well as these A340s.

I have received this example - D-AIBE as I understand from the picture - I tend to do one check of the model 'in-cradle' for loose parts, before they are in the box again.

I do have the Mahan A343 on display - which is fine - but I do remember my copy of the JC Turkiye A345 was wobbly when I'd put it on display a while ago - as were the copies of both the GJ A346s I have - an LH and the Virgin Sleeping Beauty. I guess I remember about the non-PHX A340s as I have probably just under a dozen of those.
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