New Moderator Added!


Staff member
Hi All. There have been continuing spambot users and threads popping up on the site (I've killed 10+ today). Additionally, it is clear that at least one person isn't a fan of me being a mod at all. I had already asked the owners to make @LeoMuse747 a moderator when they made me one, but I followed up today and they have granted my request. This isn't my forum and I'm not in command of it. I don't get anything for being a moderator - those that are, are doing everyone else a favour. Hopefully the addition of @LeoMuse747 as a moderator will help assuage anyone who has issues with me and help keep the forum clear of spam too.

Anyway, I welcome @LeoMuse747 who joins myself and @CM Aviation as a site moderator.
This is awesome! It's great to see more continents being represented too!
And am super thrilled at seeing @LeoMuse747 as Moderator .Always chill and super friendly Hehe

Stupid idea - but let's get someone from Oceania and from Asia
@OscarBravo992 and @quanng i nominate for a post no one's asking for 😅😂 but would be great to have! Btw haven't seen @OscarBravo992 around of late - hope he's okay
I'd like to also say Africa, but I'm not sure if we have folks from there on here 🤩
Cheers ✌🏼
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Big congrats to @LeoMuse747 and also a "Thank you" to @YesterAirlines for the promotion. I'd really hope MAF would be cleared of the recent spam plague.

This is awesome! It's great to see more continents being represented too!
And am super thrilled at seeing @LeoMuse747 as Moderator .Always chill and super friendly Hehe

Stupid idea - but let's get someone from Oceania and from Asia
@OscarBravo992 and @quanng i nominate for a post no one's asking for 😅😂 but would be great to have! Btw haven't seen @OscarBravo992 around of late - hope he's okay
I'd like to also say Africa, but I'm not sure if we have folks from there on here 🤩
Cheers ✌🏼
I would also like to thank you your promotion as well as your trust to me! I'd also be delighted to help the forum!