Hi All. There have been continuing spambot users and threads popping up on the site (I've killed 10+ today). Additionally, it is clear that at least one person isn't a fan of me being a mod at all. I had already asked the owners to make @LeoMuse747 a moderator when they made me one, but I followed up today and they have granted my request. This isn't my forum and I'm not in command of it. I don't get anything for being a moderator - those that are, are doing everyone else a favour. Hopefully the addition of @LeoMuse747 as a moderator will help assuage anyone who has issues with me and help keep the forum clear of spam too.
Anyway, I welcome @LeoMuse747 who joins myself and @CM Aviation as a site moderator.
Anyway, I welcome @LeoMuse747 who joins myself and @CM Aviation as a site moderator.