A nice background reminisce there of your childhood memories of the dear old LHR T2 terrace Richard, which is sorely missed. They were formative years for me as well, although I caught it much later on in the mid 1990s, but glad I was part of it before it all disappeared forever. Spotted the Olympic A300s there many times as well, when in the final schemes

This was a key release for me also, it fills a major gap in my collection. The 1st version is very hard to find, let alone at an acceptable price! As with any historic release of Olympic old c/s. Still need the AC 707 and I jumped on that 742 release last year as again the 2007 SX-OAA is also ridiculously impossible to acquire
Having the earlier AC A300 release with the unpainted nacelles would make that one more accurate for my period criteria (which is actually set before my time, unusual I know). I am toying with the idea of switching out the engines on this latest copy as I have a spare set of silver CF6-50s, but I’ll see.
Regarding the issues with warping, here is the link I previously posted in the discussion on DAC which sheds more light on what could be causing this problem (for those who might be remotely interested):
Cooling Solutions for Die Casting
Of my purchase of the latest run of AC A300s, 3 out of 5 were severely affected, with 2 of those having the warping/sagging on both wings. I braved a technique using needle-nose pliers wrapped in cloth and managed to carefully bend them up into the correct position, but this really is not a job for the feint-hearted, and it could easily go south
I’ve also had the odd AC DC-9 with a bendy wing, and a couple of 707s, one of which was an old release from 2009. These however were very easy to correct and I got them back into shape by hand. I also have the odd AC DC-10 with minor warping, again these are old releases. As they have slotted wings, I wouldn’t want to mess with those.
Historically out of my 500+ collection this issue appears to have been few and far between (no doubt all due to a greater degree of scrutiny at QC level), however the recent run of A300s in particular seem to have been significantly affected by this problem. Incidentally, all of the earlier AC A300s in my collection from 2007-2014 are fine, and have always been a solid tooling up until this point.