And they don't know what they do as this grey tail cone shows.

I offered my help with (classic) 747s twice and heard never anything back from them, oh well. I'm not asking again..
As for that grey tail cone...
It should have the very same color a wings, stabs and wing-body-fairing. This really was just Boeings standard grey whenever composite areas on 747s had to be painted to harmonize with bare metal areas. I know, 95% of all diecast releases don't get this "detail". This grey was darker than the usual "light aircraft grey"/"Boeing grey" (aka BAC707, aka FS16515) and often displayed in a rather "warm" tone depending on used film.
I have accepted that most manufacturer simply ignore different shades of grey (I've never seen the "correct" tone on any NG or AC 747s) - but mixing both colors with no reason is too much for me.