@AKlein707 becomes a complete jerk when anyone says anything bad about Aeroclassics regardless of whether the critic is objective or not, there is no denying that. But where does it say that he is not allowed to be one?
I personally don't think taking sides is the best approach, and in full honesty, I also see with wary eyes people that can't tolerate Andrew at all and want him banned. And no, I am not talking about Richard or anyone specifically here, there are a number of people (luckily not too many) who have publicly expressed their disgust towards Andrew's attitude and have stated that they have stopped participating in forums and purchasing Aeroclassics products altogether because they got offended by Andrew. I am not sure I feel comfortable around people with that attitude either, and will much rather take a nasty, but predictable, AK every day.
Andrew did scare me away back in 2009, he was very vocal and had a strong following, so you did not want to stand up against the owner of Aeroclassics, even when he was wrong (and he often was). But over the years I have come to notice that Andrew is just a grumpy old man and a teddy bear more than anything, and a pretty low threat overall. Sure, there might have been some pretty real cutthroat moves behind the scenes, but he would not be alone in that batch as it is the way the 1:400 scale world has been since its inception, so that can't be held against him.
One has to understand where AK comes from, first, he is very proud of himself (arrogant? - what are you gonna do about it, none of us are perfect), and second Aeroclassics was, in fact, the king of 1:400 scale once upon a time. So as nasty and unpleasant as he can be when he defends Aeroclassics with absurd arguments, It is rather a logical response that comes from the deep frustration that an overly-proud man feels when he has been dethroned.
The way Andrew is threatening Richard is absolutely horrendous (it is far from being the first time Andrew makes public threats against people and manufacturers), and this kind of attitude is probably the worst of him. As tolerant as I am, it does make me feel some pretty palpable disgust toward Andrew when I see this side of him. So, I have no problem at all in giving Richard my full support in this situation.
But I also have some words for Richard: I wouldn't say you lower yourself to the same level as Andrew because that is pretty difficult to do when he gets this nasty. But you do show a side that is not your best (in my eyes) when you engage. I love the Richard who is a passionate collector and has done an unmatched job in producing high-quality literature regarding our hobby, but if you allow me, I would say don't spoil all the great work you do by biting into Andrew's childish tantrums. You can go back and find 20-year-old threads over on DAC and see Andrew behaving in the same (or worst) way, so I'd be hard-pressed to believe that he is going to change ever, and he doesn't have to. As I have said before don't take it personally and keep moving forward. Of course, you don't have to change either Richard, but if you see me staying on the sidelines don't think it is because I am not on your side or anything like that, it is just that I am doing the same thing that I do with Andrew, ignore the not-so-nice side and focus on the good.
Which brings me to the last point. Let's not forget who AK really is behind the monster facade. He is, after all, the owner of one of the most influential brands in this hobby, and he has done what none of us have: he has poured tons of cash and sweat into producing the very models that bring us together. Recently those models are leaving much to be desired, yes, but boy is he almost singlehandedly responsible for producing the most sought-after gems of the 1:400 scale world. Let the man have a tantrum every now and then, smile and move on...
Most of us can see through all this anyway, my first models of 2023 have arrived: a pair of Aeroclassics old releases, an Aeroperu 727-200 and a TAP 707. I also recently placed my first "big" new order of the year and it doesn't include a single Aeroclassics. At the end of the day, collecting criteria and quality is what ultimately defines which manufacturers will get our money, childish tantrums, and legal threats aside.