Aeroclassics March 2025 Releases

As usual, great selection of subjects, and appreciate the A300 re-releases, spurred by reasons mentioned above.
Surely looking at the SAS & Varig

Always loved the Scanair-SAS hybrids with the bright & large sun logo.
And the il-76 is a curiousity - always great to see the type!
The 762 choices are fabulous as well.
As usual, great selection of subjects, and appreciate the A300 re-releases, spurred by reasons mentioned above.
Surely looking at the SAS & Varig

Always loved the Scanair-SAS hybrids with the bright & large sun logo.
And the il-76 is a curiousity - always great to see the type!
The 762 choices are fabulous as well.
I agree these are some excellent choices. I particularly like the Bulgarian and Seychelles 767s. You might want to hold off on the United though - hint hint!!!

YU sales must be taking a bit of a battering from all these competing A300s, having said that Aeroclassics seems to have almost no footprint in China and I haven't seen the YU A300s advertised anywhere else
Lovely set. Nice to see the IL-76 still alive!
About the A300s, have AC solved the "wavy wing" issue? I had a very unpleasant surprise with my VASP A300.
You might want to hold off on the United though - hint hint!!!
Hehe. Duly noted! I have the previous AC release - the same version of the Saul Bass iirc, but will pick up any number of Saul Bass UAs (especially if they're from -'Hint! Hint!' 😅)

About the A300s, have AC solved the "wavy wing" issue? I had a very unpleasant surprise with my VASP A300.
Same. The recent ones - LH, Finnair, EA, etc - all of them have some form of wavy wing. Unfortunately a recurring problem.
Frustrating - as I've bought quite a few of them, making up the for missing these releases earlier.

YU sales must be taking a bit of a battering from all these competing A300s, having said that Aeroclassics seems to have almost no footprint in China and I haven't seen the YU A300s advertised anywhere else
Hopefully this will not discourage YU from their ambitious intentions. If they have the China market to themselves - that itself may be substantial.
Besides it seems some non-CN retailers have managed to list them - WCD, YV I guess have them on pre-order? MHH had posted about the YU A300s on FB - but they're not doing pre-orders for YU as I understand. Don't know if Bedfordshire will be able to get them.
I'm hoping I'll have access to YU - between Bedfordshire and MHH. Let's see
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Would have been interested in the IL-76 if it didn't look like a toy. Models from 20 years ago have more detail than this.
Thus my disappointment after zooming into the AC release photo.
Coupled with the NG - level pricing!

One is mould detail, another is printing detail. These models unfortunately broadly falter on both counts - print detail does overcome mould simplicity to some extent - like the NGLite models show us.
Lovely set. Nice to see the IL-76 still alive!
About the A300s, have AC solved the "wavy wing" issue? I had a very unpleasant surprise with my VASP A300.
Good point! The recent Air France A300B was not perfect but way better than the VASP.

For comparison the Air France above and VASP below.


I hope it’s noticeable despite the bad quality of the photos.
I'm a bit torn on what to do. I pre-ordered the YU CO A300 from West Coast, but I haven't heard anything on it yet. Should I hold out for it or just order the AC version?