Recent content by Silverbird

  1. Silverbird

    NG Gift Cards

    Ok, thanks a lot, will try it next time.
  2. Silverbird

    all these spam threads and no moderator intervention yet please do thank you 010101010

    Thanks, good work! I can confirm that I can't find anything anymore. Even from the two profile post spams that I mentioned yesterday, only one remains. Maybe you can escalate to the owners if they didn't give you the power to handle that.
  3. Silverbird

    all these spam threads and no moderator intervention yet please do thank you 010101010

    Interesting. So now the search for "Cara" doesn't give any results anymore (before there were 3 IIRC), but "Call center" still gives me this (all are Media items): (I removed the screenshot, as it's obsolete now and showed spam)
  4. Silverbird

    all these spam threads and no moderator intervention yet please do thank you 010101010

    Thanks for your work, but as mentioned before, when you use the search function of the forum and search for "Cara" (title only) and "Call center", you still get several spam threads as a result. And when I'm on the "What's new page" and scroll to the bottom, I see spam under "Latest profile...
  5. Silverbird

    Looking for Corgi Catalogues PDF

    Corgi usually publishes 3 catalogues per year and I found many from the recent years as a PDF, but not all are available anymore. From the recent years I'm stil looking for: 2022 May-August, 2023 September-December, 2024 May-August and September-December and everything before 2022. If you have...
  6. Silverbird

    NG Gift Cards

    Could someone please explain how this points exchange works. I already added the codes from the cards on their website and I know that I can exchange the collected points for models, but last time a point exchange was mentioned here on the forum I couldn't find anything on their website and also...
  7. Silverbird

    Aircraft stand

    Hi, a normal picture of the model could help to identify it. You posted this in the 1:200 section, but it's certainly larger than 1:200. In the Modelaircraft Database there are only two 1:100 models fron Risesoon:, but your model...
  8. Silverbird

    all these spam threads and no moderator intervention yet please do thank you 010101010

    Thanks for your efforts. I hope I didn't come across like I want to blame you or put pressure on you, it wasn't meant like that. It's an unfortunate situation for you and for the members of the forum. Not your fault that you're left here alone. You already deleted a lot, but not all. If you...
  9. Silverbird

    Charter 1:400 collection.

    Hi Alessandro, nice to see you here. Here your lovely photos, esp. the 1:400 ones, finally get the attention they deserve. Have a nice time here.
  10. Silverbird

    all these spam threads and no moderator intervention yet please do thank you 010101010

    I appreciate your work, but unfortunately you missed a lot. When I click on "What's new", I count at least 6 spam threads on the first two pages that are older than your last message above, plus meanwhile 2 newer ones. I hope you can have a closer look again to clean this up. And if you're the...
  11. Silverbird

    Show your Latest 1:200 Purchase

    This is not a detailed review but pure marketing speech. Are you working for @legacyjets?
  12. Silverbird

    Larger scale (military) models in the MADb.

    Just a quick note for collectors of larger scale (1:144 and larger) (military) models. Recently there was quite a bit of activity on that is relevant for the fans of larger scales. Several brands have been added and some more are still in the pipeline...
  13. Silverbird

    Scale 600

    And if you like, you can take pictures of your models and add them to the database.
  14. Silverbird

    Scale 600

    You can check the numbers in the database:
  15. Silverbird


    Without the Mercedes ground service vehicles one could think that this was taken somewhere in the US. This picture was taken just a few month before the Pan Am Express inner German services ended. My first flight in 1989 was on a Pan Am Express ATR42 HAM-TXL (and back to HAM on a 727-200). I...