Sichuan Airlines Panda Route A350s


Staff member
The constant Sichuan A350 releases have caused panda-monium (get it?) recently and with so many you might not be familiar with the differences or that they are even different to each other. Well here at Yesterday's Airlines I have collected all of them so far and today take a look at the 8 (soon to be 9) Sichuan A350s and their liveries:

Panda-monium Acrimonium Haha!
I love these.!!I huge fan and have all of these as well!
Replaced B-306N JC with the NG.
And have both the Av400 & NG version of B-301D 🙈
Curious why NG haven't announced B-32HG yet, and the one after it - they're not yet 'in service', but they've been around long enough that there's lots of photos
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Oh my god, I just received one of the NG Panda Route models today. It's my only A350 NG model. Absolutely stunning in terms of quality and details. The paint is silky smooth. Ultra nice details. So this one is not the non-premium or premium and thank god it comes with the antennas! 🙏

I also like how they coated the cradle (the tray that holds the model) in matte black. Even the cradle is in good quality.

And fortunately, it also comes with a mint mint box. The retailer luckily picked the good one. Sometimes or most of the times retailers tend to pick the shittiest crushed box out of the inventory (they always try to clear the bad ones out of the inventory first). That's the shitty thing of doing mail order nowadays unfortunately. But, this one is all good inside out.