This has to be one of the most unusual moulds ever made in 400 scale and fits nicely with my recent dalliances with more exotic aircraft. I picked this JC Wings release up off eBay last week for just £9.99. It was released in 2016 by JC Wings and comes with a nice metal stand. The Scaled Composites Model 348 "White Knight Two" briefly looked like it might have a future as an orbital delivery platform, while the the Model 339 "SpaceShip Two" it carried was aimed at space tourism. WK2 first flew on December 28, 2008 and the VSS Enterprise (SS2) was first flown attached on October 10, 2010. It looks like Virgin Galactic is going in another direction now and although the pairing of the WK2 and SS2 did get some space tourists into orbit it seems no more will be built.
Either way this is a great little mould and JC do have a great history of making obscure aircraft.

Either way this is a great little mould and JC do have a great history of making obscure aircraft.