Model Review - Bar Harbor Saab 340 by Gemini jets


Staff member
This model got something of a kicking the other day on here, but I tend to agree with @JJ Skippy in that given the tiny size of the model and the tendency of macro photos to sometimes over accentuate small details it came out ok. In the hand at 1:1 it displays really nicely. It is also the sort of release I'd like to see more of from Gemini, but presumably selling Saabs is a much tougher job than 787s. It is only my 2nd Gemini purchase of the year but one I am glad to receive:

This model got something of a kicking the other day on here, but I tend to agree with @JJ Skippy in that given the tiny size of the model and the tendency of macro photos to sometimes over accentuate small details it came out ok.
You know me as a nitpicker, but here I 100% agree. I think this model looks amazing given its size. People should always keep the macro aspect in mind.
My collection could need a Crossair. I only have the 1/600 version by Schabak...
I've been a harsh critic of this release since pictures became available - and you're right @YesterAirlines that given its really small size, the macro shots may not be an appropriate measure - though we will need to agree that this one does not match up to the earlier releases such as the Delta or the CZ. The photos also show the bendy wing - and given how those ruin my copy of the TAM Fokker 100, I am preparing to not be surprised.

I don't have this type in the collection yet, and well, I've been keen to get this one - and not only because of the Eastern blues.

For now, I've reinstated this to my Wishlist.
Looking forward to other releases they'll make on this mould - and I guess GJ isn't going to get any better. I'd love to see a LAPA (in the sun tail), Polet, and of course, launch operator CrossAir. Hopefully, re-releases of China Southern, Delta, and American Eagle are on the cards.

As a type, I'm a big fan of the Saabs - and hoping that we'll see the Saab 2000 sometime soon as well.
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It is true that the size makes it harder for details to be placed. But, considering the older saab 340 releases made by gj were way better in terms of pretty much everything negative with this eastern model, I'd have to still point them out as something noticeable. Still it does look a lot better than the more recent saab releases.

Makes me wonder why they changed when the models they were making before of the saab were spot on.
Makes me wonder why they changed when the models they were making before of the saab were spot on.
One reason I heard for these kinds of changes is if the casting gets damaged at the factory. Sometimes the damage doesn’t happen from malicious actions, it can be a matter of wear and tear on the casting over years of use. I can’t say that that was the reason for the Saab 340, but it is a possibility. I see no incentive in updating the mould either if it was fine before; don’t fix what ain’t broke.
I was told earlier today that apparently they changed factories. And that is why there was the change on this mould and a few others.
I was told earlier today that apparently they changed factories. And that is why there was the change on this mould and a few others.
That also lines up pretty well with what I heard. Todd Models had a seminar at Airliners International and talked about the many components of their business and why things happened the way it did. Still waiting for a YouTube video to be posted but it should be out soon.