Gemini Jets wheels

Is it just my luck or is this a "thing" with Gemini Jet, every single 777 model regardless of variant one of the 6 main gear falls off. I also have had many wings not attached. I have been able to fix them all but those tiny wheels are horrible to put back on.

Are quality issues just a thing with Gemini or have I just had a run of bad luck with their models? Who has the fewest quality issues and good models. If there is such a thing. I know that some things are to be expected, we are dealing with fragile pieces any some very tiny ones.

There has got to be at least one company that consistently delivers on design and quality.
Quality issues used to be a major thing at Gemini a couple of years ago (about the time that NG came into the picture) but I think thing have improved since then...

It's always a bummer when these things happen but mine are usually a quick fix thankfully.

Slightly off the topic of this thread but: one of my BA A318s came with loose gear tyres and clumsy me lost them. Now I am left with a main gear leg with no tyres... I'm not sure if there is a way to get replacement tyres which are of the appropriate scaling?? Atleast directly from the manufacturers.
Is it just my luck or is this a "thing" with Gemini Jet, every single 777 model regardless of variant one of the 6 main gear falls off. I also have had many wings not attached. I have been able to fix them all but those tiny wheels are horrible to put back on.

Are quality issues just a thing with Gemini or have I just had a run of bad luck with their models? Who has the fewest quality issues and good models. If there is such a thing. I know that some things are to be expected, we are dealing with fragile pieces any some very tiny ones.

There has got to be at least one company that consistently delivers on design and quality.
All brands have had their fair share of quality issues over the years. Gemini had their run between 2018 and 2021, NG has had some flareups but not as lengthy as GJ, and if you want to go way back, zinc rot used to plague some older releases in the 2000s from Aeroclassics. Nowadays I’d say we’re in a better spot in terms of assembly QC since I rarely receive broken models anymore, but back when the pandemic happened it was somewhat frequent in my experience to get a model with a detached wing or other part.

The only brand where I haven’t heard much, if any, complaints about quality is Aviation400. The amount of details they put onto one model is ridiculously incredible. The only complaints I’ve heard about the brand are the long wait times between announcement and when collectors receive them, but it all balances out with the aforementioned quality.