Recent content by Irish

  1. Irish

    New Moderator Added!

    Congratulations @LeoMuse747! Couldn’t have been a better option imo, thank you for your efforts alongside @YesterAirlines!!
  2. Irish

    The new Korean

    Modernism at its finest, doesn’t shock me at all they went with this. Definitely won’t be taking Korean at ORD for granted anymore lol
  3. Irish

    Gemini Jets: It's worth waiting for the best

    Oh my dear Todd, the best is already and has been here for a while. Step up to Gemini propaganda 🗣️
  4. Irish

    Your buying experience from model stores - the good and the bad

    Midwest Model Store was my go to before that got turned over, thankfully Jetcollector is just as great and will always go there unless it’s something on eBay, etc.
  5. Irish

    Show Your Latest 1:400 Purchase

    Back to back unboxings? Wanted to see how the Panda mould is in person and I have really no complaints, looks super good! Had to pick up the Aeroclassics to be my first A310.
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  9. Irish

    Show Your Latest 1:400 Purchase

    Been real busy the last couple of months and have been focusing on some other hobbies but here we are with some more new models as always! Just showcasing some of my recent acquisitions throughout the past weeks!
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  14. Irish

    Tariffs & Model Airliner Prices

    He was expressing his feelings very reasonably, wasn’t directed towards anyone, just frustrated with the Trump administration and other agencies, alongside how tariffs are affecting people. I don’t think he’s worked up at all.
  15. Irish

    Tariffs & Model Airliner Prices

    Definitely agree with a lot of you guys, regardless of who did it and pushing politics to the side (no politics were really a problem here simply want to be unbiased as possible as that’s one of the quickest way to start something here aside from GJ/NG) we can all agree tariffs are nothing but...